Saturday, June 9, 2007

Calling All 2:42 Ladies

Are any women out there interested in a Bible study for the summer? Just something where we could fellowship once a week and discuss the topics from Sunday. This would be a wonderful way to get to know the women of the ABF group. If you're interested e-mail Elizabeth Casparro at or just 'comment' on this post with your thoughts or days and times you'd be available.
Thanks Elizabeth for heading this up; sounds great!
- Kate


Jacquelyn said...

when and where? I'm up in SLO every Thursday morning to fellowship with other Ladies of Grace at Islay Park. If I had a place nap my kids I could do that afternoon. Let me know how I can help!

Anonymous said...

i think it'd be great, but it'd have to be in the evening for me (that whole work thing...). and i guess i'd request wednesday evening since i'll be busy with orchestras other evenings thru the year.

Elizabeth Casparro said...

It appears that we have two groups already: people who can only make it in the evenings and others who prefer afternoons. I'm one of the evening people, so I'm willing to host it at my house on Monday or Wednesday evenings starting at 7:30 pm. Certainly, someone else could host an afternoon group. Who else is interested in an evening group?